My continued quest to detoxify my life…


So I know it can get annoying when people are constantly breathing ‘new ways’ down your throat but I wouldn’t be doing my page justice if I wasn’t completely transparent about the journey I’m on to better health and wellbeing. I used to be all about what’s trending and following the latest in makeup and skincare but lately have realised the importance of eating organic products/raw plant based foods as well as using organic products. Now I haven’t gone out and thrown away all my old skincare and makeup because let’s be real that shits expensive and ain’t nobody got time to throw money down the drain but as one product finishes I replace it with an organic product with the help of my good friend @justaskarjun who has taught me so much about the importance of caring for your skin in an organic way and let me tell you, the results have been sahhhhhh REAL!!! I have noted below some pointers that have stood out to me in my quest for detoxifying my life to create better skin and overall health.

  1. Skin is the largest organ in the human body and it absorbs all kinds of things which are then carried into the blood stream. I remember the days where I used to white king my showers, then douse them in ‘Easy Off BAM’ and end up struggling to breathe and I think “WOW all those years of breathing that in and absorbing the particles through my pores, my poor lungs!!!” All these household products as well as makeup and skin care mostly contain ingredients that long term can affect your health especially when you suffer from a chronic illness.
  2. I read a great quote which stated “if you wouldn’t put it IN your body, you shouldn’t put it ON your body. So true right?
  3. Don’t be fooled by advertising, digital enhancements and photoshop. Reality is your skin is probably never going to look like the filtered beauty in the ads and most likely not even the actual model has that perfect skin once you strip back the filters and enhancements. I salute great advertising because amongst many brands you need to stand out from the rest however promising you to look ten years younger in 2 weeks is just really a lie because we know great skin comes from the inside and many other means like nourishing your body with good food and getting good sleep etc. one bottle of magic cream can’t really actually do that but society has shifted our thought patterns to believe this great marketing. The best thing we can do to counteract that is educate ourselves on the good ingredients and the bad ingredients. Knowledge is power!!!
  4. Check out Arjun’s super handy top 10 ingredients to avoid. I now always watch out for these when buying products and have them saved in my notes on my phone.
  5. Finally, I am not knocking all non-organic products because there are a lot I still use and the quest to eat better, do better and make better decisions is bloody hard. Everyday on the news you hear that eating too much of this causes cancer, or exposure to this causes heart failure, or basically breathing will kill you! I’m simply highlighting the importance of knowing what you’re allowing to put on your skin, inside your body and breathing in. There is no harm in being aware so you can begin to try new things – it doesn’t happen overnight and does take research, time and dedication but the best you can ever do is try. I owe it to myself and my body to give it my best shot. You only have one body and one life.

Until next time – Love Always
Miss AnonyMS aka Rania xo

3 thoughts on “My continued quest to detoxify my life…

  1. Carol says:

    So very true! Keep up the great work! Not only inspiring but being able to keep it all real at the same time- you’re a superstar!!!
    ( btw I was just about to domestos my bathrooms!!!! Maybe not- that stuff is shocking!)
    Sending you much love


    1. Rania says:

      Thank you so much for following along ❤️❤️❤️ I know Domestos used to be one of my favourites too lol I use vinegar now also it actually cleans and makes the sink sparkle but then have to spray eucalyptus because vinegar isn’t the most amazing smell. Sending love right back to you 😘😘


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